Drills focused on building the foundation of the full swing for consistency. Proper body turn/ movements will help you have fundamental swing positions and have consistency in your all striking
Objective build a powerful and consistent swing by developing the correct motor pattern when swinging a golf club. The body turn in the full swing involves how your shoulders turn and how your hips. lower body turn (centered)
Note turning properly in the golf swing is unnatural and awkward for most of us. This exercise is the best way to build the correct turn (fast), without the frustration of working on it at the golf course.
- Set Up Correctly
- While staying in your golf set up, place a club in your elbows as you cross your arms
- Shoulders turn on plane, while hips pivot, while body is turning centered
- Complete 1 set of 10 focused on shoulders, 2nd set focused on lower body
Objective start the swing with the correct move. Most (not all) PGA Tour players have the club outside their hands at P2 (when the shaft is parallel to the ground on the backswing.
Note if you screw this up, you have to make a manipulation later in the swing to hit a good shot.
- Set Up Correctly
- Using any club or stick, swing your arms and pivot your hips while staying centered
- Focus on getting the takeaway and and hips synced together as you start the swing
- Complete 2 sets of 10 reps
Objective develop key fundamentals while warming up without thinking about it, which allows for better balance, good impact position and proper arm swing. The best drills are when the drill allows your mind to be free and your body naturally performs the correct movement. This drill should be done each time you warm up on the range, or when you have a few spare minutes to swing a club.
Note Rickie Fowler does this drill every day when he warms up.
- Set up with your feet together (touching)
- Use a short iron, ball is centered, proper distance from ball
- Swing arms up and down, very relaxed and allow you body to turn naturally.
- Hit 10 shots focused on tempo, wide arm swing and balance
- If you do not have a net to hit into, place a tee on the floor and make 10 swings