Focused on trajectory for shots around the green and precision. Hitting through different windows.
Rules of the challenge:
1. 6 total cups/ levels. Start at bottom cup/ stair of ladder, when you knock the cup off, move to cup one step above
2. If ball hits correct step of cup and cup falls it counts
3. If cup falls off step of ladder that is not the cup you were shooting for, 1-shot penalty
4. Players score = number of shot attempts + penalty shots for hitting wrong cup off (if applicable)
Player Resources

During my life pursuit to become a world class player and coach, I was blessed to play and coach alongside the best minds in golf. PGA Tour winners, major champions, NCAA Championship players and coaches. While coaching with current Oklahoma State Coach Donnie Darr, I learned the importance of “owning your game”. Anyone can achieve this when given accurate information fo what actually matters and consistent execution to the process.
I will give you the PROCESS, through practical practice plans, drills and exercises. With proper guidance and tools used by PGA Tour professionals, you will know exactly what to work on and when to do it. If a “washed up” teaching professional like myself qualified and competed on the biggest stage of golf, playing less than one round of golf per week, imagine what you could accomplish in your game! Try it for $1 Today